Visa Invitation Letter
Formal invitation letters can be provided upon request only for already registered attendees.
Please contact (ITSC 2023 secretariat) to submit your VISA letter request. Please include the following details in the email:
- Full Name (as it appears in the passport)
- Company / Affiliation
- Address Line 1 (street and house number)
- Address Line 2 (postal code and city)
- Address Line 3 (country)
- Nationality
- Date of birth
- Passport number
- Passport issue date
- Passport expiry date
- Brief CV and Google Scholar profile
- Motivation to attend the conference
We note that registration fees will be refunded if the VISA application is eventually rejected by the authorities (a formal proof of rejection will be requested), always in compliance with the general refund conditions and deadlines of the conference (published in the registration page, bottom).
DISCLAIMER: The organization committee does not assume any responsibilities with respect to rejected VISA applications.