Become a sponsor for IEEE ITSC 2023!
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) is a flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. ITSC 2023 will be held in Bilbao, Spain September 24-28. It is the premier conference in the field of ITS, where researchers, engineers and practitioners come from all over the world to see and to be seen by a large number of experts in the fields of connected and autonomous vehicles and transportation systems, advanced driver assistance systems, automated driving, new traffic management systems, human factors, and sensors and perception.
As a conference sponsor, you can promote your company and organization in a unique environment where researchers and leading experts meet to share ideas and expertise in improving safety, mobility, and reducing environmental impacts of transportation.
The ITSC 2023 Organizing Committee invite you to become a sponsor in one of four sponsorship categories with corresponding benefits:

- Greeting at the opening speech.
- The sponsorship incorporates the supply of 1 complete ticket to the sponsor so they can be distributed among their clients.

- Greeting at the opening speech.
- The sponsorship incorporates the supply of 2 complete tickets to the sponsor so they can be distributed among their clients.
- Possibility of explicit sponsorship of a conference, award or social event.
- Advertising printed on the welcome pack

- Greeting at the opening speech.
- The sponsorship incorporates the supply of 4 complete tickets to the sponsor so they can be distributed among their clients.
- Possibility of explicit sponsorship of a conference, award or social event.
- Advertising printed on the welcome pack4

- Greeting at the opening speech.
- 8 complete tickets
- Distinctive inclusion of the corporative logos in the communication materials of the conference and the website
- Institutional speech given during the opening ceremony of the conference
In addition, all sponsors will have the following benefits:
- Inclusion of the corporative logos of the sponsors and the link of their web pages on the Congress website.
- Inclusion of their corporative logos in the whole communication campaign of the congress.
- Conference Screen: On the days of the event, the stage will be dominated by a large screen, which will show the logos of the sponsors throughout the event.
- Meeting point in the Hall: Possibility of depositing promotional material in the hall of the event during the celebration of the congress in a space specially conditioned for sponsors. Sustainable event philosophy (documentation with QR codes).