Instructions for Session Chairs

The chairs of the session are a volunteering position vital to the correct functioning of the conference. This page summarizes the duties and responsibilities of them.

From the organization committee, we want to thank the effort and availability of the chairs selected for the conference and their commitment to the conference.

The chair and/or co-chair are expected to:

  • Arrive at the conference room at least 15 minutes before the session starts.
  • Ensure that the presenters have no technical problems connecting their computers and using the screen.
  • Start the session on time.
  • Introduce him/herself to the audience.
  • Encourage discussion and moderate the question period. Make sure questions can be heard and understood, repeating them if necessary. Please ensure that all presenters are treated with professional courtesy.
  • Comply with the timing by notifying the presenter before the end of their time slot:
    • The presentation schedule is 15 minutes with 10-12 minutes approximately of presentation time and 2-3 minutes Q&A.
    • If a speaker does not leave time for questions, please proceed immediately to the next lecture, without Q&A.
  • Notify the organization immediately of AV equipment problems.
  • Notify the no-shows by sending an email after the session to the program chairs (Prof. Fernando Garcia, and Prof. Lingxi Li,
  • After all the speakers have presented their papers, thank them and the audience; and finally, close the session.

Session chairs should confirm their chaired session using the official conference app before their travel:

and notify any problem to the Program Chairs (Prof. Fernando Garcia, and Prof. Lingxi Li,

Please refer to the instructions sent by the organization about how to enter the app (web or mobile).