Call For Workshops

ITSC 2023 solicits proposals for half-day and full-day workshops covering topics relevant to the field of intelligent transportation systems and its applications. Interested organizers are invited to submit their tutorial proposals in the topic areas listed in the Call for Papers of the conference (

The proposal for a workshop should include title; contents of the workshop; a list of topics of interest; website; details of the organizers; a list of potential contributors with their affiliations, contact e-mails, and abstracts; information about the target audience and expected attendance; invited speakers; and materials needed to implement the workshop. Proposals must be submitted electronically by following the instructions available in the conference website (

The deadline is March 1st, 2023 March 8th, 2023 (strict).

Disclaimer 1: any workshop proposal that is incomplete and/or is not submitted by following this form will not be evaluated for its inclusion in the program of the conference.

Disclaimer 2: The proposal should describe how the Workshop will be organized to encourage an active interaction between presenters and attendance.

Disclaimer 3: unless otherwise imposed by organizational constraints, workshops will be held on September 24th, 2023.

Further enquiries can be forwarded to:


Important Deadlines

Submit your proposal here

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